Search all our resales in the Maricopa real estate market.

We have the tools that you'll want to search all resales located in the city of Maricopa.

Resales in MaricopaThere are 4 types of real estate transactions in the state of Arizona that make up 98% of all transactions. They are resales, short sales, foreclosures and new build/spec homes.

Resales are also referred to as “regular or normal” sales. The reason they are “regular” is because they have been the only type of sales that people have heard of until the market crash. A resale is a home that the seller bought BEFORE the market tanked or maybe they bought when the market was bad. A resale is one that has been lived in before. It may have been purchased from a builder, or it may have also been bought by an investor, remodeled or refurbished and is now listed to sell! If you're looking for more information about Maricopa Resells, we have a pretty good list of them on our website specifically geared for maricopa short sales in the city of Maricopa, Arizona.


  • The sellers will fill out a 6 page property disclosure statement with everything they know about the resale home. With this form we will be looking for red flags or explanations that may be brought up by our home inspector!
  • If there is an appraisal or inspection issue, the other agent will be explaining these things to their seller. If the agent is a good one, these issues won’t be a surprise.
  • Ask the sellers of a resale to spring for a home warranty. It is a great investment and protects both sides!
  • We will also be receiving an insurance claim history report, which we will cross reference with the inspection and property disclosure!
  • Some of the remodeling and landscaping will have personal touches to them!
  • Sales price will almost always be market price or a bit above.
  • Depending on the circumstances, dropping the price may not be affordable to the resale seller, especially if the sales price and the loan amount are close!
  • There may be seller touches that the seller considers “upgrades” but the buyer does not!